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Research Name
Covid-19 and the Resurgence of the Hypodermic Needle Theory Applicability in Times of Crises
Session Place
Zarqa University
Date Of Publication
This study explored the continued applicability and relevance of Hypodermic Needle Theory, also named the Magic Bullet Theory. It used a quantitative research method using a survey tool designed to investigate a sample of citizens in Jordan in reference to their attitudes and behaviours of using both social media and traditional media during the Covid-19 pandemic. Regardless of all the criticism around the simplicity of the bullet theory and its assumption of an all-passive audience when it comes to receiving media messages, this research tests its applicability and relevance in times of pandemics and crises. The study found that Hypodermic Needle Theory remains of a much relevance to assess citizens behaviours during times of pandemics and crisis such as Covid-19. The study revealed that social media was more followed by the study sample during the pandemic to seek information. The perceived media effects were also higher for social media in comparison to traditional official media.
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