الهيئة التدريسية

أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية

محمود عبد الرحيم محمود الشاعر


الكيمياء الطبية وتصميم الادوية واكتشافها

معلومات عضو هيئة التدريس
الرتبة العلمية


رقم المكتب
204 د

رقم الهاتف الفرعي

البريد الإلكتروني

السيرة الذاتية
عرض الملف
المؤهلات العلمية

جامعة العلوم والتكنولوجيا
التاريخ : 1998.02.08

الجامعة الأردنية
التاريخ : 2000.06.30

الجامعة الأردنية
التاريخ : 2010.06.19
  • الأبحاث والمجلات
  • المؤتمرات
  • الخبرات العملية
إسم البحث تاريخ النشر
Discovery of new heat shock protein 90 inhibitors using virtual co-crystallized pharmacophore generation 2016/08
Discovery of Check Point Kinase 1 (Chk1) Inhibitors as Potential Anticancer Agents Using Ligand-Based Modelling and Virtual Screening 2015/10
Rational exploration of new pyridinium-based HSP90a inhibitors tailored to thiamine structure 2012/04
Application of docking-based comparative intermolecular contacts analysis to validate Hsp90α docking studies and subsequent in silico screening for inhibitors 2012/06
Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of sulfonic acid ester and benzenesulfonamide derivatives as potential CETP inhibitors 2012/11
1-[2-Substituted ethyl]-2-methyl-5-nitro-imidazole derivatives, synthesis and antibacterial activities 2013/05
Elaborate ligand-based modeling reveal new migration inhibitory factor inhibitors 2013/03
Evaluation of miscellaneous heat shock protein (Hsp90) inhibitors using different methodologies 2013/09
Design, Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of N4-Sulfonamido-Succinamic, Phthalamic, Acrylic and Benzoyl Acetic Acid Derivatives as Potential DPP IV Inhibitors 2013/11
Discovery of novel urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) inhibitors using ligand-based modeling and virtual screening followed by in vitro analysis 2014/01
Could the cancer be a chronic immune disorder? Rather than a serious malignant disease 2014/01
Discovery of nanomolar Phosphoinositide 3-kinase gamma (PI3Kγ) inhibitors using ligand-based modelling and virtual screening followed by in vitro analysis 2014/07
Evaluation of antimicrobial activities of synthesiz ed pyridinium derivatives 2014/07
Docking and pharmacophore mapping of halogenated pyridinium derivatives on heat shock protein 90 2015/07
Screening of miscellaneous Hsp90 inhibitors using virtual co-crystallized pharmacophore 2015/07
Discovery of novel CDK1 inhibitors by combining pharmacophore modeling, QSAR analysis and in silico screening followed by in vitro bioassay 2010/09
Elaborate Ligand-Based Modeling Reveals New Nanomolar Heat Shock Protein 90α Inhibitors 2010/09
إسم المؤتمر مكان الإنعقاد
إسم النشاط تاريخ النشر
باحث زائر 2020/02/11