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Researcher Name
Abdel-Rahim Khair-Allah Omar El-Sharif
Name Of Journal
Volume No.
Date Of Publication



This study deals with the induction of the most prominent Qur'anic verses that indicate to the spherical nature of the Earth, and demonstrates the implications of these verses on the spherical nature of Earth according to the interpretation of ancient Muslim scholars who had lived before the belief of Earth's spherical nature spread as a fact after the year of (1522 A.D.= 930 Hijri) through Magellan's exploratory journeys. The author also has evaluated all of these interpretations and clarified the indication of the Qur'anic verses in which one may understand that the Earth is flat. The study concluded that the Holy Qur'an consists of many texts confirming the spherical nature of the Earth, and that the most of ancient Muslim scholars believed in the spherical nature of Earth.


Key words: Spherical Earth, Muslim Scholars, Inimitability of the Holy Qur'an.