Determining the Challenges Faced by Syrian Refugees Students at Jordanian Camps According to Their Perspective: A Case of Universities Role to Supporting.
Researcher Name
Dr. Luma Fakhir
Name Of Journal
Modern Applied Science
Volume No.
Vol. 13, No. 8; 2019
Date Of Publication
This study aimed to identify the most important challenges facing the Syrian refugee university students in
Jordan camps, and the universities’ role in supporting them from their perspective, by providing answers to the
following questions: What are the challenges that facing the Syrian refugee university students in Jordanian
camps from their perspective? And what kind of support could Jordanian universities provide for the Syrian
refugee university students from their perspective? This study employs a quantitative and qualitative approach
and intends to explore the challenges and opportunities for Syrian refugee students in Jordan. The results show
that the large number of Syrian Refugee University Students at Jordanian camps present challenges for local
communities in meeting the needs of both the refugees and the host universities. Refugees face multiple
challenges in Jordan:(1) Financial shortcomings; (2) legal issues including lack of documentation and restrictive
host country po