An Inversion of Integral Operator by L. A. Sakhovich’s Operator Identity Method
Researcher Name
Raed Hatamleh, Ahmad Qazza, Mohammad Al-hawari
Name Of Journal
Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica
Volume No.
Volume LV (2): 119-131
Date Of Publication
An inversion problem of integral operator in the form
Sf =d^3/dx^3 Integral from 0 to w for S(x,t)f(t) dt
under the condition that the kernel S(x, t) satisfies the equation
(dx^3+dt^3)S(x, t) = 0
is investigated. It was proved that the operator A0S − SA*0
is finite if
A0 = J3, where Jf = i integral from 0 to x for f(t) dx. Presentation for the inverse operatorT = S^−1 is obtained and it’s structure is studied.