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Other Academic Activities of Dr. Fayig Elmigdadi Graduate Students 1. Imad Abdullah. M.Sc. in Clinical Chemistry (2000). Thesis on Hypertension and Aldosterone, Renin Activity and Atrial Natriuretic Factor in People of the Below Sea Level Environment. 2. Amal Tellawi. M.Sc. in Clinical Chemistry (2001). Thesis on Pyruvate Kinase, G6PD and LDH activities and Deficiencies in Children of the Jordan Valley and Irbid and Amman . 3. Saleem Banihani. M.Sc. in Clinical Chemistry (2002). His project is on Endocrinoathy of the PituitaryAdrenal Axis and Male Infertility Including the Study of SHBG. PROFESSIONAL COURSES / SEMINARS / WORKSHOPS / CONFERENCES ATTENDED Seminars and Invited Speaker 1. Al-AlbaitUniversity. 1995. 2. Crieff , Scotland . 1996. 3. Institute of Genetic Engineering , Belgrade , Serbia , 1997. 4. Nara , Japan . 1999. 5. Texas Tech, Lubbock Texas , USA . 2000. 6. Quebec City , Canada . 2000. 7. Princess Basma Teaching Hospital, Irbid , Jordan , 2000. 8. Multiple Seminars and Workshops at JUST, 1995-2002. 9. Clinical and research seminars, School of Medicine, University of Arizona, USA, 2002-2003. 10. First Meeting of the Arab Society for Medical Research, National Research Center , Cairo, Egypt , April, 2005. 11. First International Conference of the Arab Society for Medical Research, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, November, 2006. Workshops 1. Radioactive Techniques and Safety, University at Buffalo , NY , 1992. 2. General Education Basics in Students and Faculty Evaluation, JUST, 1995. 3. Inborn Errors of Metabolism, University at Buffalo , NY , USA . 4. Genetic Engineering Workshop, Institute of Genetic Engineering, Belgrade , Serbia . 5. Specialized Education In Students Assessments and Examination Techniques, JUST, 1998. 6. Communication Skills of Leaders, JUST, 2000. 7. Problem-Based Medicine, JUST, 2001. 8. Texas Tech University Research Workshop, Lubbock , Texas , USA . 9. Evidence-Based Medicine, JUST, 2001. 10. Integrated System-Based Curriculum, JUST, 2001. 11. Harvard Medical Curriculum as an integrated problem-based curriculum, JUST, 2001. 12. Multiple workshops in Medical Education during the fellowship in Medical Education at the University of Arizona and elsewhere in the USA , 2002-2003. 13. Medical Education and problem based learning. College of Medicine, QU, Saudi Arabia. 2012 and 2013. 14. Quality Assurance and Medical Education and Institutional and National and International Accreditation. College of Medicine, QU, Saudi Arabia. 2013. 15. Team Based Learning I Workshop, Unaizah College of Medicine, Qassim University, 2013. 16. Team Based Learning II Workshop, Unaizah College of Medicine, Qassim University, 2013. 17. Workshop on Multiple Choice Questions in Medical Education for ECFMG/ USMLE tests, Unaizah College of Medicine, Qassim University, 2014. 18. Quality Assurance and Accreditation Workshops. Unaizah College of Medicine, Qassim University, 2013 and 2014. 19. Students Assessments in Medical Colleges workshop, Unaizah College of Medicine, Qassim University, 2013. Participation in Conferences and Symposiums: 1.Annual Meeting at the Endocrine Society, Anaheim , CA , USA , 1994. 2.The Adrenal Meeting , Oklahoma , USA , 1995. 3.The Adrenal Meeting, Crieff , Scotland , 1996. 4.International Symposium on Molecular Steroidogenesis. Nara , Japan , 1999. 5.WorldLab IFCC Meeting, Florence , Italy , 1999. 6.Annual Scientific Conferences of the School of Medicine, Jordan Universty of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000. 7.14th International Symposium of the Journal of steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 2000. 8.2nd International Symposium in Genetics, Amman , Jordan, 2000. 9.3d Sientific Meeting of the Princess Basma Teaching Hospital, Irbid, Jordan, 2000. 10.Organizer and Co-chairman of the 1st Conference of the School of Medicine (15th Annual Scientific Day), JUST, Irbid , JORDAN, 2001. 11.Organizer and Co-chairman of the 2nd Conference of the School of Medicine (16th Annual Scientific Day), JUST, Irbid , JORDAN, 2002. 12. Conference of the Registration Offices of the Arab Universities, Amman , JORDAN, 2002. 13. 113th AACM (American Association of Colleges of Medicine) Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, November 8th-13th, 2002. 14. First Meeting of the Arab Society for Medical Research, National Research Center , Cairo, Egypt, April, 2005. 15. First International Conference of the Arab Society for Medical Research, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, November, 2006. 16. SIMEC 2014, Qassim University, Saudi Arabia, 2014 AWARDS/MEDALS/CITATIONS Prizes and Fellowships 1. MD Scholarship by the Ministry of Education of Jordan (ranked 13th out of 50,000 students in the General Graduation Examinations of Jordan (96.1%), 1979-1986, Rostov-on-Don Medical Institute, Russia. 2. Higher Specialization in Clinical Pathology by the School of Medicine , University of Jordan , 1990. 3. PhD Scholarship in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1990-1995, University at Buffalo School of Medicine, Buffalo , NY , USA . 4. Human Genome Project Prize and Fellowship by the Human Genome Project, 1997, Institute of Genetic Engineering , Belgrade , Serbia . 5. Fellowship in Medical Education by the IFME (FAIMER), of the ECFMG, 2002, Philadelphia , USA . Research Grants 1. Exercise at low altitude cause fat degradation and weight loss, 1997-Now, the Deanship of Research, JUST- US$ 12,000. 2. Neonatal Screening for pyruvate kinase hemolytic anemia in Jordan , 1999-Now, the Deanship of Research, JUST- US$ 5,000. 3. A comparative study of pyruvate kinase between children of the Jordan Valley and Irbid city, 2000-Now, the Deanship of Research, JUST- US$ 14,000. 4. Clinico-hormonal correlation of azoospermic patients in the below sea level environment of the Jordan Valley, 2001-Now, the Deanship of Research, JUST- US$ 6,000. 5. A comparative study of renin-aldosterone system between people rsiding at low altitude and those at an average altitude, 1999-Now, the Deanship of Research, JUST- US$ 10,000. Member of various professional and medical and research societies and associations at all national, regional and international levels. I am also an editor and a member of advisory boards of some national and regional research and medical journals.