شعار جامعة الزرقاء

إسم الباحث
عبد الرحيم خير الله عمر الشريف
إسم المجلة
رقم المجلد
تاريخ النشر

علم الانتصار للقرآن الكريم وموقعه بين مباحث علوم القرآن الكريم


لم يتعرض القرآن الكريم في زمن من الأزمان لمثل هذه الحملة الواسعة والمنظمة بهدف التأكيد على وجود أخطاء فيه، والتدليل على عدم قطعية ثبوته وسلامته من التحريف والتناقض.


لذا يجب على علماء المسلمين تجميع جهودهم وتنظيمها لبيان الحقيقة والدفاع عن القرآن الكريم، وعدم الاقتصار على الجهود الفردية المشتتة للدفاع عنه، والانتصار له. فجاءت هذه الدراسة لتذكر بأهمية تأسيس علم الانتصار للقرآن الكريم، وإيلائه مزيداً من الاهتمام في هذا الزمن؛ لكونه علماً رئيساً من علوم القرآن الكريم.


واشتملت الدراسة على مقدمة ومبحثين، المبحث الأول: تعريف علم الانتصار للقرآن وأهميته، والمبحث الثاني: موقع علم الانتصار للقرآن بين باقي علوم القرآن الكريم، وختمت الدراسة ببيان أبرز النتائج والتوصيات.




The Science of Defending the Holy Quran and its Status among the Sciences

of the Holy Quran


The Holy Quran has become a target for a large and organised campaign that aims to provide evidence for the argument that it involves errors, and to demonstrate that authenticity and lack of alteration and contradiction is unsubstantiated. Therefore, Muslim scholars should combine and systematize their efforts to demonstrate the ultimate truth of the Holy Quran, and to defend it since the small number of individual and separate endeavours to handle this task is still insufficient.


Accordingly, this study aims to bring to mind the importance of the science of defending the Holy Quran, and to draw more attention to it in this age.


This study involves an introduction and two sections: the first section deals with the definition of the science of defending the Holy Quran and its importance. The second section deals with the status of the science of defending the Holy Quran among the other sciences of the Holy Quran.


The study ends with a conclusion that highlights the most significant results, implications, and recommendation.


Towards Developing a Study about the Inimitability in the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah


The study aims at investigating a detailed outline for studying inimitability practically. The study consists of an introduction in order to define the project, conclusion and five sections. The first section deals with vision, message and the core values of the project. The second includes an introduction that identifies the aims and conditions of the study. The third, however, clarifies the suggested administrative structure for the supervisory academic board. The fourth section is the core of the study; it introduces the suggested courses, their descriptions and their study plan. The final section mentions the main facilities that the academy must have. The researcher concluded the study and introduced some recommendations.


Keywords: Inimitability, Holy Qur'an, Sunnah, practical study.