شعار جامعة الزرقاء

إسم الباحث
د رضا سلامة محمد المواضية
إسم المجلة
International Journal of Instruction
رقم المجلد
2020 ● Vol.13, No.2
تاريخ النشر
The current study investigates the degree of employment of listening skill in classroom situations by Arabic first grade teachers in Jordan from the perspective of their educational supervisors. The population of this study consists of 50 educational supervisors from all directorates of education in Jordan. The data of the present study was primarily collected by means of a questionnaire consisting of 12 items. These items concerned the listening skill. The data was analyzed using a quantitative approach in order to achieve the study objectives. The results of study revealed that the degree of employment of the listening skill was weak. Moreover, there was no significant statistical difference due to the region and experience variables. The study provided some recommendations stressing the importance of listening skill especially at elementary level. It also recommends that the Jordanian Ministry of Education should give first grade Arabic teachers’ vocational training on the teaching
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